If you are looking to check the available balance in your zong sim/number then you may follow the steps to do Zong Pakistan Balance Check codes.In this post all methods of checking the balance on zong number is mentioned.
Zong is one of the well known cellular network provider in Pakistan.Zong is available in almost every city of Pakistan and it has millions of users all over the Pakistan.One of the most important thing which most of the users want to keep an eye on, is the available balance on their sim/number.There are multiple ways to check zong balance on your number.
1) Check Balance Via USSD Code
This is one of the most common method which Pakistani users love to use to check the balance on zong network.This is the quickest and easiest method to check the available balance on your number.
One of the best thing about this method is that it works in almost every mobile device.Whether you have a smart phone or an old style dial button phone this code is going to work on every mobile device and will quickly display the balance either on your mobile screen or you will get the details via sms.
Zong Pakistan Balance Check Code
Charges for using this code = 20 Paisa
Dial the following code from mobile dial pad.

This code will display the available balance on your mobile screen.This code works really quick and it show the available balance and the validity of your balance so that you can re-charger your number on time.

2) Check Balance via Zong Helpline

You may also check the current balance on your zong number by calling at the zong helpline.This method is free of cost so if you want to know the balance on your phone number and don’t want to spend a single paisa then this is the best option for you.This method works on all type of mobile devices.
Dial Zong Helpline number from Mobile dialpad
Once you are connected to the zong helpline it will ask you to press the required key.
For Balance check and card recharge press 1
Then select a language, for urdu press 1
For balance inquiry press 2
You can then listen to your balance via IVR.
3) Check Balance Via Zong App
Zong App is one of the best way to manage all of your zong resources, by using the zong app you can easily have a look at the available balance on your phone number and also this app shows all of the services available on your number.
Zong Pakistan Balance Check via Zong Mobile App

You may download the zong app from the following links.
Once the app is downloaded you need to open the app
Then enter your zong number, it will send a code to your number and this code is usually fetched automatically in most of the latest smart phones and as soon as the code is received you will be logged in to zong app and at the top of the app you can see the available balance on your zong sim/number.